Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ernie Leslie - 6th degree Black belt

Ernie Leslie was presented with his 6th degree Black belt at Jimmy Boylan's Kenpo Ireland club on Tuesday 3rd November. Ernie has been training in kenpo for over 30 years and continues to put everything into the club, training and teaching others. We are all extremely proud of Ernie's achievement.

kenpo ireland Ernie's 6th degree black beltkenpo ireland Ernie's 6th degree black belt

Wayne Mernagh - 8th degree Black belt

Wayne was presented with his 8th degree Black belt in Jimmy Boylan's Kenpo Ireland club on Tuesday 3rd November. Wayne has trained for over 36 years and had made an outstanding contribution to karate in Ireland. Wayne continues to train and teach with Jimmy Boylan Kenpo Ireland. Everyone at the club would like to congratulate Wayne on this well deserved achievement.
Wayne Mernagh - 8th degree Black belt, Kenpo Ireland Wayne Mernagh - 8th degree Black belt, Kenpo Ireland

Friends of Kenpo Ireland

The first two people to be presented with 3rd Brown belts, Nikki and Dawn, at the All Ireland Karate Association in Ballyroan. Grading and presentation by Dave Ryan. Congratulations on an excellent grade. Well done from Jim Boylan, Kenpo Ireland.