Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tony Kane - 1st Brown Belt

Tony Kane received his 1st Brown Belt from Jimmy Boylan's Kenpo Ireland club on 17th November. Tony has trained with us for many years and is a valued member of the club. Tony always gives 100% and is always delighted to help everyone else. We were delighted to see Tony sail through his 1st Brown Belt....well done Tony!

Eamon Cullen - blue belt grade

Eamon Cullen, Blue Belt, Kenpo Ireland

Eamon Cullen went for his blue belt grade with Jimmy Boylan Kenpo Ireland club on 19th November. Eamonn showed great concentration and control on the won't be long before he's ready for the green belt!

Kenpo Ireland's newest member, receives yellow belt

Kenpo Ireland's newest member, receives yellow belt
Kenpo Ireland's newest member, Evelyn O'Connell, receives her yellow belt. Evelyn has been a member of Jimmy Boylan's Kenpo Ireland club since February 2009 and is looking forward to moving on to her orange belt in the near future. Well done Evelyn, we're delighted to have new members keep up the good work.